
Diary of a Lazy SysAdmin

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Tag: vacation

Natural Bridges State Beach 2012

19 September, 2012 (23:07) | Blog, Pictures | By: ender

Here are some shots from Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, CA. There are some really interesting erosion patterns in the rocks.

Catamaran on the way to snorkeling

25 July, 2008 (13:41) | Blog, Personal, Pictures | By: ender

Here’s some pictures from the catamaran on the way to snorkeling. It was a nice boat and a beautiful trip.

El Morro – Puerto Rico

25 July, 2008 (12:45) | Blog, Personal, Pictures | By: ender

El Morro is a castle/fortress in Old San Juan. It’s pretty impressive as it’s been built out from its beginnings in the mid-1500s through WWII.

El Yunque Rainforest

25 July, 2008 (12:22) | Blog, Personal, Pictures | By: ender

Here’s some pictures from our trip to El Yunque, the only rainforst in the US National Forest system. In my defense on some of the pictures, it’s really tough getting a good picture where the foreground is green, the background is green and the light filtering in from the canopy is green. :) It really […]