
Diary of a Lazy SysAdmin

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Category: Pictures

2024 Solar Eclipse – Rough Images

11 April, 2024 (08:52) | Blog, Pictures | By: Doubletwist

These are the rough (unedited) images of the full set of eclipse photos. I had a tough time getting the focus right, and I feel like most of the non-totality images are overexposed, but it’s the best I could do for my first attempt at photographing a solar eclipse.

Hot much?

19 July, 2018 (15:41) | Blog, Personal, Pictures | By: Doubletwist

Yeah, it’s 106F officially. And this is what happens in a car sitting out in the sun: First you can boil water on your dashboard…   And don’t even think about sitting down in shorts…

Best Birthday Card Ever!

23 May, 2013 (08:54) | Humor, Pictures | By: ender

Hallmark has outdone themselves, and printed the best birthday card ever!  

Ouch – Herniated Disc

1 February, 2013 (10:32) | Blog, Personal, Pictures | By: ender

In case anyone ever wanted to know what a herniated disc looks like. This is an MRI image of my lower spine. The main section of cartilage, between L5 and S1 [with the arrow pointing to it] is seriously herniated and is pushing against the nerves which go down into my right leg, which is […]

Natural Bridges State Beach 2012

19 September, 2012 (23:07) | Blog, Pictures | By: ender

Here are some shots from Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, CA. There are some really interesting erosion patterns in the rocks.

Scarborough Faire 2010

20 April, 2010 (08:43) | Blog, Pictures | By: ender

These are the pics I’m considering sending in for the Scarborough Faire photo contest. Not all of them, but trying to decide which ones to send in. Most of these are from the Joust, mainly because the lighting was good and I was in a good location so they came out the best.

Snow Storm – Later in the day

14 February, 2010 (02:36) | Pictures | By: ender

As promised here’s some more shots of the snow storm from later in the day. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to go out looking for actual “good” shots, this is just what I took standing in front of the house. I missed opportunity for some awesome photos, for sure. But this will give you […]

Fossil Rim Safari Drive

12 October, 2009 (12:39) | Blog, Pictures | By: ender

After a whopping 2 hours sleep [for me], Kiera and I got up and joined her class for a trip to Fossil Rim, in Glen Rose, TX. In spite of being horribly tired, we had a good time. Here are some pictures from the trip. Kiera’s favorite was the Cheetahs, which unfortunately I don’t have […]

Trio Loco – They were rockin’ Grapefest 2009

22 September, 2009 (22:27) | Music, Pictures | By: ender

Adrena and her band, Trio Loco were rockin’ Grapefest this weekend.  Because they were the last band to play on a side-stage on the last day of Grapefest, we expected a pretty low, mellow turnout. Though it doesn’t show up in the pictures, the gig went from pretty much ZERO audience watching the previous act, […]

Sunset Storm

13 July, 2009 (13:19) | Blog, Personal, Pictures | By: ender

There was a fairly decent storm going by just to the south of me, and to the west was a nice sunset shining out of another, smaller storm. I got some great color out of these, while to the south it was grey and foreboding…