
Diary of a Lazy SysAdmin

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Tag: archive

Archive: 2004-04-22 We’ve moved!

22 April, 2004 (21:46) | Blog | By: ender

04-22-2004: We have moved! We are now fearthepenguin.net. It was a difficult decision, but due to the cost of keeping the spack.nu domain name, I’m going to have to let it expire. It was the cheap option when I first registered it. At the time, there was only one place to register .com, .org, and […]

Archive: What is a ‘spack’

18 May, 1999 (21:43) | Blog | By: ender

“What the *&%^$ is a ‘spack’?”, you ask. Well… ‘spack’ isn’t exactly an easy thing to define. See, ‘spack’ is an all-purpose word. It can be used for anything. It can be used in place of any part of speech, and can have any meaning the speaker intends. For instance, “Where’s my spackin’ tool box?” is […]