
Diary of a Lazy SysAdmin

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New House – Before we fixed anything

12 July, 2008 (15:57) | Blog, Personal, Pictures | By: ender

Long overdue, here’s some pictures of the new house, before we did any fixes. Believe it or not, the pool in these shots was cleaner than it originally was. :)

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Sun X4450 server… Schweeet!

25 June, 2008 (15:37) | Hardware, Pictures | By: ender

We just got 11 Sun X4450 Servers, and installed 128GB of RAM in all of them. I have to say that Sun really has their sh*t together when it comes to building servers.

I can’t wait to see how these things perform…


6 February, 2008 (23:32) | Blog | By: ender

I came across this article, “Snowbound” [opens in new window] about a remote island village off the coast of Alaska. It’s a little long, but a very interesting read. While I’m hardly a people person, I can’t imagine living someplace so remote and desolate. Or so cold for that matter.

Hand made Ferrari model – and it works!

18 January, 2008 (11:11) | Blog | By: ender

Ok, I barely have the willpower and motivation to get up and drag my butt to work every day. But, though he could never afford a real one, this guy wanted a Ferrari 312 PB so badly, he spent 20,000 hours of his time making one with his own hands. This is incredible!

Thanks to Honic for the link

New Fearthepenguin.net site

14 January, 2008 (21:49) | Blog | By: ender

As you can see, the site looks quite a bit different than it did previously. I’ve decided that the old site was too spread out, too hard too hard to update, and most people didn’t like the color scheme. :)

As a result, I’m setting up my site with a blogging back-end that will allow me to more easily update the site. Not only that, but it can easily be set up so that my friends and family can also contribute to the site, if they so choose.

At first, things may change frequently, until I figure out what theme and layout I’d like to use. I will also eventually post a link to an archived copy of the original site. In addition, I posted the more important bits from the front page.

Please let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to see on this site.


Archive: 2004-04-22 We’ve moved!

22 April, 2004 (21:46) | Blog | By: ender

04-22-2004: We have moved! We are now fearthepenguin.net. It was a difficult decision, but due to the cost of keeping the spack.nu domain name, I’m going to have to let it expire. It was the cheap option when I first registered it. At the time, there was only one place to register .com, .org, and .net domains. As a result of the monopoly, prices were high [$35/yr with a 2 year minimum]. So I opted for a .nu domain which was cheaper [$25/yr, and they only required you register for 1 year]. Since then, there are MANY companies from which you can register domain names. As a result, the prices are MUCH lower [$8/yr]. In addition, the registrar for the .nu tld requires a payment of $10 every time you chance any technical details such as your dns servers. I simply can’t afford to keep paying this. So I’ve registered fearthepenguin.net.
Spack.nu will continue to function until May 2005 when it expires. However, please get everything changed over to fearthepenguin.net as quickly as possible.
I will miss spack.nu. After so many years [spack.nu was registered on May 18th, 1999] I’ve really grown accustomed to it, and as cheezy as it sounds, I do have fond memories of various aspects of spack.nu. Most notably the many video and image files I hosted on Sept 11th, 2001. I pushed out over 100GB of traffic that day, when most popular news sites were completely inaccessable. Sadly, there is only one remaining image, <a href=”http://www.fearthepenguin.net/wtc/wtcboom.jpg”>wtcboom.jpg</a>. I still get quite a few hits for that image, due to t
he many websites scattered across the internet that still link to that picture. Unfortunately, after next May, those links will no longer function.
Another bummer is that I will no longer have to explain what a “spack” is, although I will still leave the description at the bottom of this page.
Welp, that’s all for today. Hopefully fearthepenguin.net will bring new memories to cherish in the future…

Archive: What is a ‘spack’

18 May, 1999 (21:43) | Blog | By: ender

“What the *&%^$ is a ‘spack’?”, you ask. Well… ‘spack’ isn’t exactly an easy thing to define. See, ‘spack’ is an all-purpose word. It can be used for anything. It can be used in place of any part of speech, and can have any meaning the speaker intends. For instance, “Where’s my spackin’ tool box?” is just as valid as “Spack off!” as is “You’re such a spack”. Or, for times when no ordinary words will suffice [ie. you’re speechless] simply bursting forth with a resounding “SPACK!” is a great substitute and works wonders for keeping the conversation going…[or in some cases bringing it to a screeching halt].