12 October, 2009 (12:39) | Blog, Pictures | By: ender
After a whopping 2 hours sleep [for me], Kiera and I got up and joined her class for a trip to Fossil Rim, in Glen Rose, TX. In spite of being horribly tired, we had a good time. Here are some pictures from the trip. Kiera’s favorite was the Cheetahs, which unfortunately I don’t have […]
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14 September, 2009 (16:37) | Blog, Humor | By: ender
This is an extension of the Top 10 White Trash Heroes of Cinema from Spike.com. It’s a funny list, and the #1 choice I think is quite accurate. In addition to the reasons listed on the Spike page, the fine folks at the related Fark page have come up with some great clues that point […]
Comments: 1
2 September, 2009 (22:42) | Blog, Music | By: ender
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Tags: comedy, funny, internet porn, mp3, song
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28 August, 2009 (12:18) | Blog, Humor | By: ender
Now that I’ve started my Intermediate Algebra class, [hey gimme a break, I haven’t done algebra in 18 years!], I came across this and found it worth posting.
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24 August, 2009 (10:17) | Blog | By: ender
It looks like skynet is almost ready to takeover the world. Scientists in Japan have made some pretty impressive breakthroughs in high-speed robotic hand manipulation! The video below shows the hand spinning a pen, bouncing a ping-pong ball, tying knots, moving a grain of rice with tweezers, and tossing up a cell phone and catching […]
Comments: 1
21 August, 2009 (10:18) | Blog | By: ender
I know that 99.9999% of the people who will ever read this site don’t care, but for the one guy who does, www.fearthepenguin.net is now ipv6 enabled! Hopefully I’ll soon figure out how to have the webserver tell you if you are using ipv4 or ipv6 when you connect. Until then, you’ll have to take […]
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11 August, 2009 (22:36) | Applications, Blog, Operating Systems, Reviews, Windows | By: ender
Open Source Windows Software There are plenty of “What’s the best open source Windows software for …. ?” on the ‘net but since I’m often asked what I personally use, here’s a list along with my reasons for choosing that option:
Tags: open source, software, Windows
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10 August, 2009 (11:04) | Blog | By: ender
Here ladies and gentlemen is the worlds worst dice-rolling program in Python… Ok, maybe it isn’t the worst. But it’s one of my first complete Python programs [or programs of any language] so I’m sure there are lots of ways to improve it. This is a CLI program that will ask you how many dice […]
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13 July, 2009 (13:19) | Blog, Personal, Pictures | By: ender
There was a fairly decent storm going by just to the south of me, and to the west was a nice sunset shining out of another, smaller storm. I got some great color out of these, while to the south it was grey and foreboding…
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14 May, 2009 (08:11) | Blog, Books | By: ender
NOTE: I posted this review on Amazon.com. I wanted to go ahead and post it here to. This is an incredible book and a great read! I highly recommend it.
Tags: book, review, sci-fi
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